OT: Luke Cook, 37, Who Faced Death In A Hellhole Thai Jail For Smuggling Half A Ton Of Crystal Meth For The Hells Angels Returns Home After He And His Wife Were Acquitted.
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Gregory Carr
2021-09-20 21:21:34 UTC
Aussie father who faced death in a hellhole Thai jail for smuggling half a tonne of crystal meth for the Hells Angels returns home after he and his wife were acquitted
Luke Cook, 37, had been sentenced to death in Thailand in 2018
Thai police alleged Cook tried to smuggle $300million worth of ice in Australia
He was acquitted in Bangkok last week and arrived back in Australia on Sunday
His Thai wife Kanyarat Wechapitak, 43, was also released and stayed in Thailand
Cook will now be reunited with this two sons after doing hotel quarantine

PUBLISHED: 19:26 EDT, 19 September 2021 | UPDATED: 19:27 EDT, 19 September 2021

An Australian father-of-two sentenced to death in Thailand after being accused of smuggling ice for the Hells Angels has returned home after he was acquitted of the crime last week.

Perth man Luke Cook, 37, and his Thai wife Kanyarat Wechapitak, 43, were both freed after the Supreme Court in Bangkok quashed their sentences.

Mr Cook, a former FIFO worker who had owned a hotel and bar in Pattaya, returned to Sydney on Sunday where he will undertake two weeks hotel quarantine before he is able to see his two sons.

Perth man Luke Cook's arrest in December 2017. He stood accused of taking a yacht into international waters off the Thailand coast to collect drugs from a Chinese trawler on behalf of the Hells Angels

Mr Cook, a former FIFO worker who had owned a hotel and bar in Pattaya, returned to Sydney on Sunday where he will undertake two weeks hotel quarantine before he is able to see his two sons

Mr Cook pictured with his family. 'Luke is a family man who loves his kids,' a family friend told the media at the time of his arrest

The court decision ended a long-running saga in which Mr Cook and his wife were arrested in December 2017 and charged with attempting to smuggle half a tonne of crystal methamphetamine, worth around $300million into Thailand and on to Australia in June 2015.

Mr Cook stood accused of taking a yacht into international waters off the Thailand coast to collect drugs from a Chinese trawler on behalf of the Hells Angels.

After spotting a patrol boat, police alleged he threw a 50.4kg package of the drug overboard.

The parcels later washed up on a Pattaya beach but no DNA or other evidence linked Mr Cook to the packages.

He and his wife were sentenced to death for the crime in 2018.

'Luke is a family man who loves his kids,' a family friend told the media at the time.

'When this first happened, he did everything he could to try and get them out of the country.'

'He is innocent. He would never do something like this.'

Mr Cook pictured as Thai authorities raided the family home in the tourist hot spot of Pattaya in 2017

Mr Cook had owned a hotel and bar in Pattaya before he was arrested and sentenced to death by a Thai court

The Thai prosecution claimed high-ranking Hells Angels member, Wayne Schneider, paid Mr Cook $US10 million to receive and store the drugs before smuggling them to Australia.

Schneider's body was found naked and mutilated in Thailand in 2015.

In his appeal Mr Cook's defence lawyers said another Australian FIFO worker, Douglas Shoebridge had framed Mr Cook for the smuggling crime.

Mr Shoebridge had testified at trial that Mr Cook confessed to him about the smuggling attempt.

He said he'd been hired as a diver by Mr Cook to search for gold, but the Perth man later told him it was to look for the drugs thrown overboard.

The reliability of Shoebridge's testimony was thrown into doubt, however, after a NSW inquest into the death of Schneider.

That inquest heard that cars used to kidnap Schneider were rented by Shoebridge’s partner Siriphan Saimart, and that Shoebridge had given Siriphan 100,000 Thai baht ($A4130) to rent a house in Pattaya where Schneider was tortured and killed.

Bagnato (pictured) was sentenced in a Thai court to death after hiring four men to kill Schneider. The murder charge was later overturned
Mr Cook was acquitted after the Thai authorities claimed Wayne Schneider (left) paid him $US10 million to receive and store the drugs before smuggling them to Australia. Cook later pleaded guilty to helping convicted murderer Antonio Bagnato (right) escape to Cambodia

Sydney man Antonio Bagnato was sentenced to death for Schneider’s murder in 2017, but later acquitted and re-sentenced for assault.

Mr Cook was later accused of helped Bagnato escape to Cambodia following Schneider's death, to which he pleaded guilty.

He told the court Bagnato had produced a gun at Mr Cook's Jolly's Piss Stop Bar in Pattaya and demanded he be driven to the border.

Mr Cook insisted he know about nothing about Schneider's murder.

In a Facebook post from March year Mr Cook made a desperate plea for this story to be heard.

'I am not asking you to feel sorry for me, I just ask you to consider the facts as they happened,' he wrote.

'I was not involved in any way in the importation of drugs.'


https://www.chiangraitimes.com/crime-chiang-rai-thailand/pattaya-hells-angel-member-luke-cook-arrested-at-suvarnabhumi-airport-on-drug-smuggling-charges/ this website and another says Luke Cook was a member of the Pattaya Hell's Angels.

Someone Claiming To Be Douglas "Big Daddy" Shoebridge Contacted Me Today About More Australian-Thailand Outlaw Biker Stuff Post From Last Year.
Greg Carr’s profile photo
Greg Carr
9 May 2020, 08:48:16
Inside the world of wanted Perth man ‘Big Daddy’ Douglas Shoebridge
Tony Barrass and Andrew Drummond
The West Australian
Saturday, 25 May 2019 11:00AM

On the other end of the phone, Douglas Shoebridge cautiously answers my questions with his. Except the “so where are you” one.
He must be somewhere in Australia, judging by the numbers dialled. He refuses to say specifically, instead asking what evidence I personally had linking him to an international sex-trafficking racket about which Thai authorities want to question him.
None, I say, but was he aware of a Thai warrant for his arrest, a copy of which was in front of me? The tone of the man named in court documents as a fly-in-fly-out worker and known to Thai authorities as “Daddy” or “Big Daddy”, switches from slow and careful to slightly irritated.

“Of course I’m aware of it,” he bites before quickly reverting to calm and adding: “All these other things are hearsay until proven otherwise.”
These “other things” read like a Quentin Tarantino creation, set in a backdrop of corrupt police, dangerous drug runners and serious, heavyweight criminals.

Perth man Luke Cook and his wife Kanyarat Wechapitak were sentenced to death in Thailand.
Shoebridge had a knack of finding himself right in the middle of it, repeatedly. He’s one of many Australian FIFO workers who have based themselves in Asia. But up there, it’s a different world to sunny, safe and well-policed Australia.
Rewind to a balmy November morning in 2015 when security guard Suphan Phithakwong heard a commotion at the up-market Pattaya residential complex it was his job to patrol.

When he investigated, he saw five men, all but one wearing silk balaclavas to hide their identities, violently kicking, punching and screaming at another man who was being shoved into the back of a white Toyota utility.
The victim, as it turned out, was Hells Angel Wayne Schneider, a boy from Blacktown in Sydney’s tough western suburbs, who had worked his way up through the ranks, specialising in the manufacturing and distribution of large-scale commercial quantities of methamphetamines.
Well-known to the Australian Crime Commission, the Australian Federal Police and various State law-enforcement bodies, Schneider had skipped Australia in a hurry three years earlier after two major meth labs were uncovered in suburban Sydney. They were dripping with his DNA.
Now Schneider was in the process of being abducted, taken to a nearby house, stripped and bludgeoned to death. His body was then taken to the outskirts of town and buried in a shallow grave, just off the roadside.
Unaware at this stage they were dealing with a murder, Thai police seized CCTV footage and within a day had located the Toyota outside of a house rented to Shoebridge’s partner, Siraphat Saimat.
Her name was also on the Toyota rental paperwork.
Accessing the vehicle’s GPS, police established that once the vehicle had left the crime scene, it stopped at Saimat’s house before heading 30km out of town — where it was stationary for two hours — and then returned to Saimat’s Pattaya address.
Police then went to the out-of-town location where the vehicle had stopped, a small bush area showing signs of recent disturbances. They followed a track and it was always only going to be a matter of time before they found Wayne Schneider’s naked and battered body in a shallow grave.
Saimat told police that, on Shoebridge’s insistence, she had rented the property for another Australian, Antonio Bagnato. Bagnato had fled Australia to the seaside city in 2014 after a shooting murder in an underground carpark in Sydney’s Leichardt.

Although his cousin was ultimately convicted of the crime, Australian police still want to talk to him about it.
Bagnato, the bikie Schneider, Shoebridge and another Perth man, Luke Joshua Cook, became close associates and hung around Tony’s Gym, where they trained, and a nearby bar where they drank.
By some accounts, Bagnato became Schneider’s bodyguard, while Shoebridge continued to work for local police as a so-called “interpreter” in the special branch, colloquially known as “Catch a Foreigner Unit”.
Police believed there had been some sort of falling out between the men, and now they were hunting five suspects in Schneider’s murder. Just days after Schneider’s body was discovered, Bagnato was arrested as he tried to enter Cambodia.

He was extradited back to Thailand.
The security guard identified Bagnato as the only one not wearing a silk balaclava on the night Schneider was snatched at the compound. Thai police then charged him with Schneider’s murder and accused him of hiring thugs to abduct the high-profile bikie.
Bagnato was ultimately convicted of Schneider’s murder and sentenced to death, but has since successfully appealed, been released, been rearrested on gun charges and is now awaiting trial on arms charges in a military jail in eastern Thailand.
Shoebridge was questioned but not charged with any offence in relation to Schneider’s murder, but his evidence against Luke Cook was pivotal to a major police breakthrough.
Cook, who had received a suspended sentence after playing a role in helping Bagnato escape to the Cambodian border after Schneider’s death, was born in Duncraig.
He too had worked as a FIFO, working in the kitchen of various mine sites and at the Christmas Island Detention Centre. After meeting his wife, Kanyarat Wechapitak, online, he moved to Pattaya, bought a bar and set up a business importing boats and marine parts.
In the months before Schneider’s demise, Thai police believe Schneider gave Cook $15 million to buy 500kg of crystal methamphetamine from a Chinese drug syndicate.
The packaged ice was to be transferred from a Chinese trawler to an offshore yacht, stored in a secret location then imported into Australia at the behest and control of the Hell’s Angels.
Shoebridge told police he was on the yacht with Cook because Cook had weaved an elaborate tale about them looking for missing gold on the bottom of the ocean.
He claimed Cook, after drinking all day, had become aggressive and eventually admitted that it was hundreds of kilos of ice — and not gold — they were looking for.
Shoebridge said he became furious that he discovered he had been lied to. He felt as though he had been used because he was a good diver and could have helped Cook find what turned out to be drugs.
According to Shoebridge, Cook began to panic because he had lost a lot of people’s money and sooner or later they would be coming after him.
The half-a-tonne of ice would have netted $300 million on Australian streets. Eventually, four big packages containing 50kg each of ice were washed up on a nearby beach in Rayong Province.

Two years later, Thai authorities launched a series of raids in an attempt to crush some of the 30-plus chapters of Australian outlaw motorcycle gangs who had set up shop in Pattaya, Chang Mai, Phuket and Bangkok.
Authorities dubbed the operations “Clipping the Wings of Angels”.
As Cook and his wife were getting off a flight from Australia, police swooped. The pair was arrested and charged over the failed drug importation. Cash, properties, cars and a range of luxury assets allegedly owned by the couple were also seized.
Last November, Cook and Wechapitak were found guilty of breaking Thailand’s tough drug importation laws and sentenced to death. Shoebridge gave evidence against the couple. They in turn claimed to have been framed by the dual Australian-UK citizen.
The pair sit in a Thai jail waiting for their appeal to work its way through Thailand’s glacially slow justice system. In the meantime, they can only hope their sentence is commuted to life imprisonment.
The latest warrant issued by Thai authorities for Shoebridge’s arrest surrounds allegations of human trafficking for an international sex ring allegedly operating out of Pattaya.
The warrant follows the appearance at Bangkok Criminal Court of Tanzanian national Sara Musa Chitanda on similar charges on the orders of Police Colonel Nalinee Chiewnoi, commander of Thailand’s Human Trafficking Police.
Chitanda is alleged to have gone through a marriage service with Shoebridge in Dar es Salaam last year. It was also alleged that both acted together in the trade, and escorted the mostly African women to Thailand, putting them up in rooms in the Asoke Din-Daeng area of Bangkok.
Luke Cook’s father, who lives in New Zealand said: “Am I surprised, no? Not at all. My son was labelled a Hell’s Angel and sentenced to death in Thailand without any basis at all. He was an offshore caterer and still working at it to earn money when he was arrested returning to Thailand”.
Australian authorities can do little until they are asked to act. When approached for comment, the AFP could only say it was “aware of the matter and any further inquiries should be directed to Thailand authorities”.
As for Douglas Shoebridge, he remains an enigma on the other end of the line — maybe he’s here in WA, maybe he’s not.
He is only comfortable giving the most minuscule of details and quietly talking in riddles. “You just need to allow me to digest this.”
Getting nowhere, I ask if he wants to give me a written statement which we will publish telling his side of the chaos he seems to find himself it. No, he says, ring me later, let us say 2pm, and we will talk.
I call at 2pm. The phone rings out.


Private message regarding: More Australian-Thailand Outlaw Biker Stuff.

4:23 AM (4 hours ago)
to me

Please kindly remove this post, as 'The West' has removed the publication entirely due to it's fraudulent content and offered an apology. This link is now dead - https://thewest.com.au/news/wa/inside-the-world-of-wanted-perth-man-big-daddy-douglas-shoebridge-ng-b881210945z

Thank you.
Click here to Reply

me (Greg Carr change)
8:42 AM (less than a minute ago)
- show quoted text -
I would like to congratulate you on having a pair. Sheer chutzpah. I cannot remove the post from last year in alt.true-crime and even if I could I wouldn't. I will be reposting it along with this email to alt.true-crime and other USENET groups. Links go 404 on a regular basis for a variety of reasons especially with the passage of time. Nothing fraudulent in the original web article perhaps it is libel in which case you should sue them. The article states that you have given evidence and testified against Mr.Cook a former friend in a 500kg meth case resulting in a death sentence for Mr.Cook and his wife in Thailand. Meth + Cook you can't make this *** up. What kind of person hangs out at a gym and drinks with a big time meth trafficker and a full patch Hell's Angel while working at the police dept? What kind of moron meth importer and idiot HAMC full patch hang out with a police dept employee? If Australia has a witness protection program like Canada and the United States you should avail yourself of it. Then again hiding out in plain sight sometimes works as well. I recieved a death threat from a full patch HAer 20 years ago as well as from lower level HA ppl over the years and I am still around. Unfortunatly so are they. I read once about a Mafia informer doing the hide in plain site and it worked.https://humanlife.asia/scots-man-known-as-big-daddy-escapes-thailand-before-arrest-warrant-issued-for-human-trafficking/ has a picture of you with a foxy woman in front and repeats much of the info of the original article. Saw some pictures of Mr.Cook. What was that dweeb doing hanging out with the rest of you? I think I will be reading about you in the future on the WWW.
Sincerly,Greg CarrSurrey, BC

https://groups.google.com/g/alt.true-crime/c/25upROi7Vo8/m/MOmJpo3oAgAJ 20 Google Groups views alone in 2 years way better than the zero or one that Loose Cannon's idiotic off topic posts ever get or those of Winston Chu or Dennis Watson or Karen Eileen Gordon aka brew noser all 4 are morons.



https://groups.google.com/g/alt.sex.prostitution/c/vTjPYUU7g3c/m/bNXyw5iyAgAJ This post of mine to alt.sex.prostitution about the sex trafficker Shoebridge has 13 Google Groups views alone and that ng is dead. Shoebridge claims he was given an apology by the newspaper for its story about him but provides no link to this alleged retraction and who trusts the word of a kidnapper or pimp?


The Dad says emphatically his son has nothing to do with the Hell's Angels. The man facing death has no visible tats in the pictures of him or anything HA or even biker about him. The only testimony against him comes from a sex trafficker. At least give him a fair trial with legal representation.
My post on the matter from March 12 2020. https://groups.google.com/g/alt.true-crime/c/PiN6zSEkkwQ/m/n1-eY56CAgAJ

What happened to the heir to the Red Bull fortune who killed a ranking police officer while driving in Bangkok? The law should apply equally to rich and poor junkie or playboy famous or nobody although the rich have fewer excuses and mitigating circumstances.

Thailand drops charges in Red Bull heir case that stirred anger about impunity
By Panarat Thepgumpanat


BANGKOK (Reuters) - Thailand has dropped criminal charges against the heir to the Red Bull energy drink fortune, who was accused in a 2012 hit-and-run killing of a police officer in a case that raised questions about crime and punishment for the well-connected.

Warrants for the arrest, including an Interpol red notice, of Vorayuth “Boss” Yoovidhya, whose whereabouts are not known, will be withdrawn, police said.

Vorayuth, grandson of the late Chaleo Yoovidhya, creator of the Krating Daeng, or Red Bull, energy drink, had faced charges of speeding, hit-and-run and reckless driving causing death, which had a statue of limitations until 2027.

“This case is over,” deputy police spokesman Kissana Phathanacharoen told a news briefing.

“In June, we received a final order from the attorney general to not prosecute Vorayuth on charges of reckless driving and causing death,” he said.

Vorayuth was accused of crashing his black Ferrari into policeman Wichien Klanprasert, who was on a motorcycle in Bangkok, and dragging his body for dozens of metres before fleeing the scene.

Vorayuth missed eight summonses to appear in court in connection with the case before authorities issued a warrant for his arrest, five years after the accident.

He later disappeared, apparently abroad, according to some social media posts.

Vorayuth’s grandfather, Chaleo, was listed as the third richest person in Thailand at the time of his death in 2012, at the age of 88, with an estimated net worth of $5 billion, according to Forbes magazine.

Many Thais saw Vorayuth’s treatment as lenient because of his family’s wealth, stirring debate about impunity for the rich.

But Kissana dismissed any such suggestion on Friday.

“This is not a double standards,” he said, adding that the case could be reopened if there was new evidence.

“We are saddened by the loss of a fellow police officer,” he said.

Reporting by Panarat Thepgumpanat and Chayut Setboonsarng. Writing by Orathai Sriring; Editing by Elaine Hardcastle, Robert Birsel

Our Standards: The Thomson Reuters Trust Principles.


Pattaya has great beaches and ppl I know who went there including multiple times had a good time. Sex tourism and bars are big there. Thailand has a very bad monarch and the democratic system there is a sad joke and opponents of the King who flee abroad are found murdered and dumped in rivers.
Loose Cannon
2021-09-21 00:51:35 UTC
On Mon, 20 Sep 2021 14:21:34 -0700 (PDT), Gregory Carr
Post by Gregory Carr
Aussie father who faced death in a hellhole Thai jail for smuggling half a tonne of crystal meth for the Hells Angels returns home after he and his wife were acquitted
Luke Cook, 37, had been sentenced to death in Thailand in 2018
Thai police alleged Cook tried to smuggle $300million worth of ice in Australia
He was acquitted in Bangkok last week and arrived back in Australia on Sunday
His Thai wife Kanyarat Wechapitak, 43, was also released and stayed in Thailand
Cook will now be reunited with this two sons after doing hotel quarantine
Proof that these are mostly all good, decent men who's only crime is
that they enjoy riding motorcycles with their friends. Justice has
been served.
Gregory Carr
2021-09-21 08:01:22 UTC
Post by Loose Cannon
On Mon, 20 Sep 2021 14:21:34 -0700 (PDT), Gregory Carr
Post by Gregory Carr
Aussie father who faced death in a hellhole Thai jail for smuggling half a tonne of crystal meth for the Hells Angels returns home after he and his wife were acquitted
Luke Cook, 37, had been sentenced to death in Thailand in 2018
Thai police alleged Cook tried to smuggle $300million worth of ice in Australia
He was acquitted in Bangkok last week and arrived back in Australia on Sunday
His Thai wife Kanyarat Wechapitak, 43, was also released and stayed in Thailand
Cook will now be reunited with this two sons after doing hotel quarantine
Proof that these are mostly all good, decent men who's only crime is
that they enjoy riding motorcycles with their friends. Justice has
been served.
You are a faggot a lover of pedophiles and rapist you are an old gomer wearing lame clothes a Serbian failure who came to Britain to be a mayqueen immigrant failure. You love pedophiles and rapists and lost the war you fought in war criminal. You are tard and so is your obese wife the British National Front rejected your inferior nazi self a Serbian queer.

Nazis are notorious queers like Ernst Rohm and yourself Gordon Radavich.

By Johann Hari, Guest Writer
The Strange, Strange Story of the Gay Fascists
10/21/2008 06:16 pm ET Updated May 25, 2011
The news that Jorg Haider - the Austrian fascist leader - spent his final few hours in a gay bar with a hot blond has shocked some people. It hasn’t shocked me. This is a taboo topic for a gay left-wing man like me to touch, but there has always been a weird, disproportionate overlap between homosexuality and fascism. Take a deep breath; here goes.

Some 10,000 gay people were slaughtered in the Nazi death-camps. Many more were humiliated, jailed, deported, ethnically cleansed, or castrated. One gay survivor of the camps, LD Classen von Neudegg, has written about his experiences. A snapshot: “Three men had tried to escape one night. They were captured, and when they returned they had the word ‘homo’ scrawled across their clothing. They were placed on a block and whipped. Then they were forced to beat a drum and cheer, ‘Hurrah! We’re back! Hurrah!’ Then they were hanged.” This is one of the milder events documented in his book.

So the idea of a gay fascist seems ridiculous. Yet when the British National Party - our own home-grown Holocaust-denying bigots - announced it was fielding an openly gay candidate in the European elections this June, dedicated followers of fascism didn’t blink. The twisted truth is that gay men have been at the heart of every major fascist movement that ever was - including the gay-gassing, homo-cidal Third Reich. With the exception of Jean-Marie Le Pen, all the most high-profile fascists in Europe in the past thirty years have been gay. It’s time to admit something. Fascism isn’t something that happens out there, a nasty habit acquired by the straight boys. It is - in part, at least - a gay thing, and it’s time for non-fascist gay people to wake up and face the marching music.

Just look at our own continent over the past decade. Dutch fascist Pim Fortuyn ran on blatantly racist anti-immigrant platform, describing Islam as “a cancer” and “the biggest threat to Western civilisation today.” Yet with two little fluffy dogs and a Mamma complex, he was openly, flamboyantly gay. When accused by a political opponent of hating Arabs, he replied, “How can I hate Arabs? I sucked one off last night.”

Jorg Haider blasted Austria’s cosy post-Nazi politics to rubble in 2000 when his neo-fascist ‘Freedom Party’ won a quarter of the vote and joined the country’s government as a coalition partner. Several facts always cropped up in the international press coverage: his square jaw, his muscled torso, his SS-supporting father, his rabid anti-Semitism, his hatred of immigrants, his description of Auschwitz and Dachau as “punishment centres”. A few newspapers mentioned that he is always surrounded by fit, fanatical young men. A handful went further and pointed out that several of these young men are openly gay. Then one left-wing German paper broke the story everybody else was hinting at. They alleged Haider is gay.

Rumours of an Indian waiter with “intimate details” of Haider’s body broke into the press. The Freedom Party’s general manager Gerald Miscka quickly quit, amid accusations that he was Haider’s lover. Haider’s close gay friend Walter Kohler - who has been photographed showing off a holstered pistol while Haider chuckled - declared his opposition to outing politicians. Haider - who was married and has two children - kept quiet while his functionaries denied the rumours. The revelation that he died after leaving a gay bar suggests these rumours were true.

On and on it goes. If you inter-railed across Europe, only stopping with gay fascists, there aren’t many sights you’d miss. France’s leading post-war fascist was Edouard Pfieffer, who was not batting for the straight side. Germany’s leading neo-Nazi all through the eighties was called Michael Kuhnen; he died of AIDS in 1991 a few years after coming out. Martin Lee, author of a study of European fascism, explains, “For Kuhnen, there was something supermacho about being a Nazi, as well as being a homosexual, both of which enforced his sense of living on the edge, of belonging to an elite that was destined to make an impact. He told a West German journalist that homosexuals were ‘especially well-suited for our task, because they do not want ties to wife, children and family.’”

And it wouldn’t be long before your whistlestop tour arrived in Britain. At first glance, our Nazis seem militantly straight. They have tried to disrupt gay parades, describe gay people as “evil”, and BNP leader Nick Griffin reacted charmingly to the bombing of the Admiral Duncan pub in 1999 with a column saying, “The TV footage of gay demonstrators [outside the scene of carnage] flaunting their perversion in front of the world’s journalists showed just why so many ordinary people find these creatures repulsive.”

But scratch to homophobic surface and there’s a spandex swastika underneath. In 1999, Martin Webster, a former National Front organiser and head honcho in the British fascist movement, wrote a four-page pamphlet detailing his ‘affair’ with Nick Griffin. “Griffin sought out intimate relations with me,” openly-gay Webster explained, “in the late 1970s. He was twenty years younger than me.” Ray Hill, who infiltrated the British fascist movement for twelve years to gather information for anti-fascist groups, says it’s all too plausible. Homosexuality is “extremely prevalent” in the upper echelons of the British far right, and at one stage in the 1980s nearly half of the movement’s organisers were gay, he claims.

Gerry Gable, editor of the anti-fascist magazine ‘Searchlight’, explains, “I have looked at Britain’s Nazi groups for decades and this homophobic hypocrisy has been there all the time. I cannot think of any organisation on the extreme right that hasn’t attacked people on the grounds of their sexual preference and at the same time contained many gay officers and activists.”

Griffins’ alleged gay affair would stand in a long British fascist tradition. The leader of the skinhead movement all through the 1970s was a crazed, muscled thug called Nicky Crane. He was the icon of a reactionary backlash against immigrants, feminism and the ‘hippy’ lifetsyle of the 1960s. His movement’s emphasis on conformity to a shaven, dehumanised norm resembled classical fascist movements; Crane soon became a campaigner and leading figure in the National Front. Oh, and he was gay. Before he died of AIDS in the mid-1980s, Crane came out and admitted he had starred in many gay porn videos. Just before he died in 1986, he was allowed to steward a Gay Pride march in London, even though he still said he was “proud to be a fascist.”

The rubber-soled friction between gay fascists and progressive British gay people sparked into anger in 1985 when the Gay Skinhead Movement organised a disco at London’s Gay Centre. Several lesbians in particular objected to the “invasion” of the centre. They felt that the cult of “real men” and hypermasculine thugs was stirring up the most base feelings “in the very place, the gay movement, where you would least expect them.”

And this Gaystapo has an icon to revere, an alternative Fuhrer to worship: the lost gay fascist leader Ernst Rohm. Along with Adolf Hitler, Rohm was the founding father of Nazism. Born to conservative Bavarian civil servants in 1887, Ernst Rohm’s life began - in his view - in the “heroic” trenches of the First World War. Like so many of the generation who formed the Nazi Party, he was nurtured by and obsessed with the homoerotic myth of the trenches - heroic, beautiful boys prepared to die for their brothers and their country.

He emerged from the war with a bullet-scarred face and a reverence for war. As he put it in his autobiography, “Since I am an immature and wicked man, war and unrest appeal to me more than the good bourgeois order.” After being disbanded, he tried half-heartedly to get a foothold in civilian life, but he saw it as alien, bourgeois, boring. He had no political beliefs, only prejudices - particularly hatred of Jews. Historian Joachim Fest describes Rohm’s generation of alienated, demobbed young men humiliated by defeat as “agents of a permanent revolution without any revolutionary idea of the future, only a wish to eternalize the values of the trenches.”

It was Rohm who first spotted the potential of a soap-box ranter called Adolf Hitler. He saw him as the demagogue he needed to mobilize support for his plan to overthrow democracy and establish a “soldier’s state” where the army ruled untrammelled. He introduced the young fascist to local politicians and military leaders; they knew him for many years as “Rohm’s boy.” Gay historian Frank Rector notes, “Hitler was, to a substantial extent, Rohm’s protégé.” Rohm integrated Hitler into his underground movement to overthrow the Weimar Republic.

Rohm’s blatant, out homosexuality seems bizarre now, given the gay genocide that was to follow. He talked openly about his fondness for gay bars and Turkish baths, and was known for his virility. He believed that gay people were superior to straights, and saw homosexuality as a key principle of his proposed Brave New Fascist Order. As historian Louis Snyder explains, Rohm “projected a social order in which homosexuality would be regarded as a human behaviour pattern of high repute... He flaunted his homosexuality in public and insisted his cronies do the same. He believed straight people weren’t as adept at bullying and aggression as homosexuals, so homosexuality was given a high premium in the SA.” They promoted an aggressive, hypermasculine form of homosexuality, condemning “hysterical women of both sexes”, in reference to feminine gay men.

This belief in the superiority of homosexuality had a strong German tradition that grew up at the turn of the twentieth century around Adolf Brand, publisher of the country’s first gay magazine. You could call it ‘Queer as Volk’: they preached that gay men were the foundation of all nation-states and represented an elite, warrior caste that should rule. They venerated the ancient warrior cults of Sparta, Thebes and Athens.

Rohm often referred to the ancient Greek tradition of sending gay solider couples into battle, because they were believed to be the most ferocious fighters. The famous pass of Thermopylae, for example was held by 300 soldiers - who consisted of 150 gay couples. In its early years, the SA - Hitler and Rohm’s underground army - was seen as predominantly gay. Rohm assigned prominent posts to his lovers, making Edmund Heines his deputy and Karl Ernst the SA commander in Berlin. The organisation would sometimes meet in gay bars. The gay art historian Christian Isermayer said in an interview, “I got to know people in the SA. They used to throw riotous parties even in 1933... I once attended one. It was quite well-behaved but thoroughly gay. But then, in those days, the SA was ultra-gay.”

On June 30th 1934, Rohm was awoken in a Berlin hotel by Hitler himself. He sprang to his feet and saluted, calling, “Heil Mein Fuhrer!” Hitler said simply, “You are under arrest,” and with that he left the room, giving orders for Rohm to be taken to Standelheim prison. He was shot that night. Rohm was the most high-profile kill in the massacre known as ‘the Night of the Long Knives’.

Rohm had been suspected by Hitler of disloyalty, but his murder began a massive crackdown on gay people. Heinrich Himmler, head of the Gestapo, described homosexuality as “a symptom of degeneracy that could destroy our race. We must return to the guiding Nordic principle: extermination of degenerates.”

German historian Lothar Machtan argues that Hitler had Rohm - and almost all of the large number of gay figures within the SA - killed to silence speculation about his own homosexual experiences. His ‘evidence’ for Hitler being gay is shaky and has been questioned by many historians, although some of his findings are at least suggestive. A close friend of Hitler’s during his teenager years, August Kubizek, alleged a “romantic” affair between them. Hans Mend, a despatch rider who served alongside Hitler in the First World War, claimed to have seen Hitler having sex with a man. Hitler was certainly very close to several gay men, and never seems to have had a normal sexual relationship with a woman, not even his wife, Eva Braun.

Rudolph Diels, the founder of the Gestapo, recorded some of Hitler’s private thoughts on homosexuality. “It had destroyed ancient Greece, he said. Once rife, it extended its contagious effects like an ineluctable law of nature to the best and most manly of characters, eliminating from the breeding pool the very men the Volk most needs.” This idea - that homosexuality is ‘contagious’ and, implicitly, tempting - is revealing.

Rohm is venerated on the Homo-Nazi sites that have bred on the internet like germs in a wound. They have names like Gays Against Semitism (with the charming acronym GAS), and the Aryan Resistance Corps (ARC). Their Rohmite philosophy is simple: while white men are superior to other races, gay men are “the masters of the Master Race”. They alone are endowed with the “capacity for pure male bonding” and the “superior intellect” that is needed for “a fascist revolution.” The ARC even organises holiday “get-togethers” for its members where “you can relax amongst the company of our fellow white brothers.”

So it’s fairly easy to establish that gay people are not inoculated from fascism. They have often been at its heart. This begs the bigger question: why? How did gay people - so often victims of oppression and hate - become integral to the most hateful and evil political movement of all? Is it just an extreme form of self-harm, the political equivalent to the gay kids who slash their own arms to ribbons out of self-hate?

Gay pornographer and film-maker Bruce LaBruce has one explanation. He claims that “all gay porn today is implictly fascist. Fascism is in our bones, because it’s all about glorifying white male supremacy and fetishizing domination, cruelty, power and monstrous authority figures.” He has tried to explore the relationship between homosexuality and fascism in his movies, beginning with ‘No Skin Off My Ass’ in 1991. In his disturbing 1999 film “Skin Flick’, a bourgeois gay couple - one black, one white - are sexually terrorised by a gang of gay skinheads who beat off to ‘Mein Kampf’ and beat up ‘femmes’. He implies that bourgeois gay norms quickly break down to reveal a fascist lurking underneath; the movie ends with the black character being raped in front of his half-aroused white lover, as the racist gang chant, “Fuck the monkey.”

I decided to track down some gay fascists and ask them directly. Wyatt Powers, director of the ARC, says, “I always knew in my heart racist and gay were both morally right. I don’t see any conflict between them. It’s only the Jew-owned gay press that tries to convince us that racialism is the same thing as homophobia. You can be an extreme nationalist and gay without any contradiction at all.”

One comment board on a gay racist website goes even further into racist lunacy. One gay man from Ohio says, “Even if you are gay and white, or retarded and white, YOU ARE WHITE, BOTTOM LINE! Instead of letting the white race go extinct because of worthless races such as the Africans or Mexicans popping out literally millions of babies a day, we have to fight this fucked up shit they are doing. They are raping our country.” It’s true that racism and homophobia do not necessarily overlap - but as Rabbi Bernard Melchman explains, “Homophobia and anti-Semitism are so often part of the same disease.” Racists are usually homophobic. Even after reading all their web rantings, I didn’t feel any closer to understanding why so many gay men ally themselves with people who will almost always turn on them in the end, just as the Nazis did.

Gay rights campaigner Peter Tatchell has a sensitive and intriguing explanation. “There are many reasons for this kind of thing,” he says. “Some of them are in denial. They are going for hyper-masculinity, the most extreme possible way of being a man. It’s a way of ostentatiously rejecting the perceived effeminacy of the homosexual ‘Other’. These troubled men have a simple belief in their minds: ‘Straight men are tough. Queers are weak. Therefore if I’m tough I can’t be queer.’ It’s a desperate way of proving their manhood.”

‘Searchlight’ magazine - the bible of the British anti-fascist movement, with moles in every major far-right organisation - offers an alternative explanation. “Generally condemned by a society that continues to be largely hostile to gays, some men may find refuge and a new power status in the far right,” one of their writers has explained. “Through adherence to the politics espoused by fascist groups, a new identity emerges - one where they aren’t outcasts, because they are White Men, superior to everyone else. They render the gay part of their identity invisible - or reject the socially less acceptable parts, like being feminine - while vaunting what they see as superior.”

But there’s another important question: will fascist movements inevitably turn on gay people? In the case of the Nazis, it seems to have been fairly arbitrary; Hitler’s main reason for killing Rohm was unrelated to his sexuality. From my perspective as a progressive-minded leftie, all fascism is evil; but should all gay people see it as inimical to their interests? Is it possible to have a gay fascist who wasn’t acting against his own interests? Fascism is often defined as “a political ideology advocating hierarchical government that systematically denies equality to certain groups.” It’s true that this hierarchy could benefit gay people at the expense of, say, black people. But given the prevalence of homophobia, isn’t that - even for people who don’t see fascism as inherently evil - a terrible risk to take? Won’t a culture that turns viciously on one minority get around to gay people in the end? This seems, ultimately, to be the lesson of Ernst Rohm’s pitiful, squalid little life.

The growing awareness of the role gay men play in fascist movements has been abused by some homophobes. In an especially nutty work of revisionist history called ‘The Pink Swastika’, the ‘historian’ Scott Lively tries to blame gay people for the entire Holocaust, and describes the murder of gay men in the camps as merely “gay-on-gay violence.” A typical website commenting on the book claims absurdly, “The Pink Swastika shows that there was far more brutality, rape, torture and murder committed against innocent people by Nazi homosexuals than there even was against homosexuals themselves.”

Yet we can’t allow these madmen to prevent a period of serious self-reflection from the gay movement. If Bruce LaBruce is right, many of the mainstream elements of gay culture - body worship, the lauding of the strong, a fetish for authority figures and cruelty - provide a swamp in which the fascist virus can thrive. Do some gay people really still need to learn that fascists will not bring on a Fabulous Solution for gay people, but a Final Solution for us all?

Johann Hari is a writer for the Independent newspaper. To read more of his articles, click here.


Thomas Michael Marks is a known Pedophile and Nazi.

The 54 year old Roseville, Minnesota White Nationalist
organizer has been arrested in an undercover Child-sex sting in
August, 1997. Marks answered an internet ad for a company in
Yuma, Arizona offering enticements of ”the young at heart.”
This is a known code phrase for those interested in sex with
children. The placed Ad was part of an undercover operation and
Marks was arrested after flying into Yuma and meeting with his
“sex-tour liaison” at a motel. According to court documents
Marks was interested in overnight stays with pre-teen girls and
booked a three day stay with several 8-year old girls. After
raiding his residence federal agents discovered child
pornography downloaded to his computer. Marks was a teacher
before getting arrested in the Child-sex sting.

Francis Joseph "Frank" Collin (born November 3, 1944 in
Chicago, Illinois) Midwest coordinator with the National
Socialist White People's Party. After being ousted for being
part Jewish (which he denied), Collin founded in 1970, the
National Socialist Party of America.[1] In the late 1970s, its
plan to march in the predominantly Jewish suburb of Skokie,
Illinois was challenged, but the ACLU defended its freedom of
speech and assembly in a case that reached the United States
Supreme Court. The court in National Socialist Party of America
v. Village of Skokie (1979), a major First Amendment decision,
ruled that the party had a right to march and to display a
swastika, despite local opposition. Collin was convicted and
sentenced in 1979 for child molestation.

Germany opens files on Chile sect run by Nazi pedophile‘For
many years… German diplomats looked the other way,’ concedes
foreign minister regarding abusive group Colonia Dignidad

Kevin Alfred Strom (born August 17, 1956) is an American White
nationalist, neo-Nazi, Holocaust denier, White separatist and
associate editor of National Vanguard. Strom resigned from
National Vanguard in July 2006,[1] but rejoined in 2012.
In 2008 Strom pleaded guilty to possession of child pornography
and was sentenced to 23 months in prison, of which he served
four months for that reason his former allies in the nazi movement believe him to be an informer for law enforcement. He has posted as Topaz on USENET from time to time over the years spreading his lies and hatreds towards his cultural and intellectual betters the Jews. While living in Alaska during the Trump economic boom he couldn't find work his ex-wife has custody of their children.

Nazis are pedophiles hang them.

August Kreis III: Sentenced to 50 Years For Child Molestation

Back in June 2008 we ran a story concerning neo-Nazi parents (one of whom we continue to refer to as "Nazi Mom") who had attended the first Aryan Guard march in Calgary. This particular couple, now divorced, hit the news when Child and Family Services removed the children from their home after "Nazi Mom" had sent her daughter to school with racist iconography scrawled in marker all over her daughter's arms. Despite attempting to regain custody, "Nazi Mom" never did regain her parental rights.

At the time the news hit the msm, the usual suspects jumped in to support "Nazi Mom" and "Nazi Dad." The most prominent included Paul Fromm and members of the Aryan Guard itself, but they also received some international support:(Both Paul Fromm and Denis Walsh a city councillor in Kamloops, B.C. (Denis Walsh
 250-299-5454
***@kamloops.ca ) both publicly supported Arthur Topham of Quesnel and Barkerville,B.C. for his anti-Semitic tirades online and even after he was convicted twice in two seperate court cases they refused to rebuke him.)

August Kreis III, the leader of the Aryan Nations, told the Winnipeg Free Press his organization is prepared to mobilize whatever resources are necessary -- including financial and legal -- to ensure the decision isn't allowed to stand. He said the case is unlike anything he's ever heard of and fears it will set a dangerous precedent across North America.

"We're all family people. If they can do this in Canada, how long until they are doing it down here?" Mr. Kreis said in an interview from his home in South Carolina.
"The Canadians need to know we support this fight, that they are not alone. We're all over, and there are a lot of Canadians who feel the same way we do and are fed up with all this multiculturalism."

Mr. Kreis said he wouldn't advise his followers to turn their children into so-called "billboards" -- such as what is alleged to have happened in Winnipeg -- but added that's hardly grounds to have children removed from a home.

Mr. Kreis questions why similar seizures haven't been made of children being raised by homosexual or lesbian parents.

Ah, they are, "all family people" eh? Big supporters of the 14 words, no doubt.

"We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children."

It is such a relief that family men such as August Kreis are looking out for the welfare of "white" families and their children. Kreis himself was a family man having sired many children himself.

And just how well protected were the "white" children under Kreis' care?

Former Aryan Nations Leader Gets 50 Years For Child Rape

August Byron Kreis III, a one-time pre-eminent racist leader with ties to the Ku Klux Klan, Posse Comitatus and the Aryan Nations, will spend the rest of his life in prison for child molestation.

The 61-year-old Kreis -- who lost both legs to diabetes and is now wheel-chair bound -- was sentenced Thursday to 50 years in prison after being found guilty by a jury in Lexington, S.C., of one count of criminal sexual conduct involving a child and two counts of committing lewd acts on a child.

The charges were related to repeated sexual abuse of two girls between the ages of 10 and 14 by the man who at one-time declared he was the hand-picked leader of the Aryan Nations, chosen to succeed the late Richard G. Butler.

But child rape conviction aside, Kreis wasn't about to let the opportunity to get the message out pass:

During the three-day trial, Kreis held up a sign to the jury, “Vote for Donald Trump.” That prompted his defense attorney to ask for a mistrial, but the judge rejected the attempt to derail the trial.

At sentencing Thursday afternoon, Kreis was back with an anti-Semitic rant and another plug for the Republican presidential candidate who is leading most current polls.

“I will always hate the Jew,” Kreis said in the courtroom. “This government is run by an evil group of people, and, please, ‘Vote for Trump!’”

An endorsement that we think even the Donald would refuse.

We think.

KKK "Grand Dragon" molested his granddaughter

Leading US neo-Nazi jailed for child porn possession

More on neo-nazis and child porn

neo-Nazi leader shot dead by his 10 year old son whom he abused

Frank Collin, leader of the National Socialist Party of America: pedophile

"Aryan Nations" leader, convicted of theft, is also a pedophile

Fugitive Nazis who built a paedophile paradise in the sun

neo-Nazi attacks women with hammer, gets 248-year sentence

Notorious German Neo-Nazi Tino Brandt Charged With Child Abuse

Nazis were "sexually aroused by necrophilia, bestiality and sadism"

White supremacist beat a five year old to death

British neo-Nazis torture, murder 17 month old boy

British neo-Nazi sentenced to life for raping a two year old girl

Child porn found on computer of neo-Nazi Holocaust Museum shooter

White supremacists rob and murder a family, including an 8 year old girl

British KKK "leader" is a convicted child molester

Hungarian neo-Nazis murder four year old boy

BNP paedophile convicted

And ANOTHER BNP paedophile convicted!

White supremacist tortured and sexually assaulted teen stepdaughters

Nigel Hesmondalgh, British neo-Nazi: jailed for possessing a series
of degrading photos and videos of children.

Shaun Jones, British neo-Nazi: jailed for raping a 12 year old girl

Kane Hutchinson, British neo-Nazi: jailed for abusing young boys

John Broomfield, British neo-Nazi: jailed for child abuse images

Mervyn Jones, British neo-Nazi: 17 years for "sustained and prolific sex crimes"

Darren Francis, British neo-Nazi: multiple sex offences, illegal drugs

James Mullen, British neo-Nazi, repeatedly kicked his pregnant girlfriend
in the stomach, attacked others, incl. a 10-year-old girl

Wayne McCurry, British neo-Nazi, convicted of attacking two 14-year-old girls
More on this sick nazoid animal: http://tinyurl.com/penov2z

Eliot Jones, British neo-Nazi, sentenced for blackmail and child abuse
Yes, business as usual with the nazoid sickos.
More in: http://tinyurl.com/p89ypar

Jeff Marsh, British neo-Nazi "leader", jailed for attacking a woman
