Fraudster Liar Immigrant To America Richie Perry.
(too old to reply)
notmyrealname carr
2023-09-12 19:46:10 UTC
https://www.facebook.com/friends/requests/?profile_id=100093521185960&notif_id=1694455882120953&notif_t=friend&ref=notif Richie Perry and this handle is what this lying immigrant uses on FB. He says his illuminatti will make you rich and famous yet he is not rich or famous.
notmyrealname carr
2023-09-14 04:57:43 UTC
Post by notmyrealname carr
https://www.facebook.com/friends/requests/?profile_id=100093521185960&notif_id=1694455882120953&notif_t=friend&ref=notif Richie Perry and this handle is what this lying immigrant uses on FB. He says his illuminatti will make you rich and famous yet he is not rich or famous.
https://www.facebook.com/friends/requests/?profile_id=100093521185960 His other profile goes by the name Maggot says he became rich in 2 days. You will have more fun flushing your money down the bog.
Greg Carr
2023-09-15 12:39:53 UTC
Post by notmyrealname carr
Post by notmyrealname carr
https://www.facebook.com/friends/requests/?profile_id=100093521185960&notif_id=1694455882120953&notif_t=friend&ref=notif Richie Perry and this handle is what this lying immigrant uses on FB. He says his illuminatti will make you rich and famous yet he is not rich or famous.
https://www.facebook.com/friends/requests/?profile_id=100093521185960 His other profile goes by the name Maggot says he became rich in 2 days. You will have more fun flushing your money down the bog.
https://www.facebook.com/friends/requests/?profile_id=61550764033601&notif_id=1694729822078743&notif_t=friend&ref=notif Yet another phony profile for him.

Illuminatti is fake and always has been.
